English Title: Code Age Commanders ~Tsugumono Tsugarerumono~
Japanese Title: コード・エイジ コマンダーズ 〜継ぐ者 継がれる者〜
Publisher / Developer: Square Enix
Genre: Action RPG
Released: Oct. 13, 2005
Product Codes: SLPM-66109 / JAN 4988601004268
One of Squeenix's didn't-think-this-through experiments, Code Age Commanders is a mission-based action RPG. Which basically means one of the key elements of an RPG -- exploration -- is compeltely lost, as you just pop into whatever place you need to be at and get a nicely highlighted goal. The derpy character design and awkward controls do little to redeem this title, though the world design and illustrations are at least rather striking.